今日英语单词: scattershot

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儒琴今日英语单词 Word of the Day

noun [ˈskætərˌʃɑt]

broadly and often randomly inclusive;denoting something that is broad but random and haphazard in its range;covering a wide range in a random way; indiscriminate

无针对性的; 随便的; 任意的; 漫无目的的;广泛的,通常是随机的; 覆盖广泛的范围; 不加选择的

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President Joe Biden on Thursday promised a new era after the scattershot foreign policy of his predecessor, Donald Trump, declaring “America is back” on the global stage in his first diplomatic address as president.

On Thursday, to cement and provide a foundation for these Herculean efforts of transformation from the scattershot, at times wild-eyed meanderings of Donald Trump’s administration, Biden traveled to the State Department to meet his tireless, visionary Secretary of State Antony Blinken and personally thank foreign service officers for their service. (CNN)
周四, 为了转变漫无目标,、有时狂热的一波三折的唐纳德·特朗普的政府,并为加强和提供为此做出巨大努力的基础,拜登前往国务院回见他的不知疲倦、有远见的国务卿安东尼布林肯和亲自感谢外交人员的服务。


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