《苔丝》词汇: transcendent, evanescent, innuendo, despondency, attenuated, flexuous,

In the afternoon, several young girls of Marlot, former schoolfellows and acquaintances of Tess, called to see her, arriving in their best starched and ironed, as became visitors to a person who had made a transcendent conquest ( as they supposed), and sat round the room looking at her with great curiosity. 下午,有几个马洛特村的年轻姑娘,她们是苔丝以前的同学和熟人,都来看她,她们穿上了熨过、浆过最好的衣服,就像拜访一个取得了非凡胜利的人(她们是这样想的)一样,坐在房间里,好奇地看着她。(第十三章)