Kashgar Old town

The Best Kashgar Tour Itinerary

Welcome to Kashgar, an enchanting city on the ancient Silk Road, in China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Ideal for first-time international travelers, this destination promises a unique blend of culture, history, and culinary delights. Our Best Kashgar Tour Itinerary is meticulously crafted to offer you an immersive experience, balancing cultural explorations with local gastronomy and leisure. Embark on this remarkable journey and discover the wonders of Kashgar.

Day 1: Exploring the Heart of Kashgar


Start your Kashgar adventure at the Id Kah Mosque (艾提尕尔清真寺) a magnificent symbol of Islamic architecture and the largest mosque in China. As you explore, observe the intricate design that adorns its facade and interiors.

Id Kah Mosque
Id Kah Mosque

Outside, the bustling square becomes a canvas of daily life, echoing the calls to prayer. This experience provides a profound insight into the religious and cultural aspects of the city.


For lunch, delve into the flavors of Uyghur cuisine at a traditional restaurant. Must-try dishes include the aromatic lamb pilaf, rich in spices, and handmade noodles, a testament to the culinary skills of local chefs. These dishes offer a delightful introduction to the regional palate.


Next, wander through the Old City of Kashgar. This area is a living museum, with its narrow alleys and ancient homes.

A girl who lives at the old town of Kashgar
A girl lives in the old town of Kashgar

Visit the famous Handicraft Street, where skilled artisans showcase their crafts, from intricate jewelry to traditional Uyghur musical instruments. Observing these artisans at work offers a window into Kashgar’s rich artisanal legacy.


For dinner, enjoy the local specialty at a kebab house. The succulent kebabs, grilled to perfection, and the hand-pulled noodles offer a flavorful end to your day. These dishes are not just meals but a part of Kashgar’s culinary identity, deeply rooted in its culture.


Conclude your day at People’s Park. Here, the city’s vibrant nightlife comes alive. It’s a place where locals converge to relax and socialize, offering an authentic experience of everyday life in Kashgar. Stroll through the park, enjoy impromptu music performances, and engage with friendly locals.

Day 2: Silk Road History and Local Culture


Begin your second day with a visit to the Afaq Khoja Mausoleum (阿帕克和卓麻扎), a masterpiece of Islamic architecture. This historical site, adorned with blue tiles and intricate patterns, stands as a testament to Kashgar’s rich religious heritage.

Afag Khojia Tomb
Afag Khojia Tomb

Explore the mausoleum’s tranquil gardens and discover the history behind this significant landmark, offering a serene start to your day.


At lunchtime, immerse yourself in Kashgar’s vibrant street food scene. Sample Uyghur staples at the local bazaar, such as savory mutton soup and samsa, delicious baked buns filled with seasoned meat. These street food delights provide a true taste of local flavors.


Spend your afternoon at the bustling Kashgar Bazaar, one of the largest in Central Asia. This lively marketplace is a sensory overload, with colorful stalls selling everything from spices to silk.

Kashgar Bazaar
Kashgar Bazaar

It’s the perfect place to pick up souvenirs and observe the dynamic market life. Engaging with local vendors offers a glimpse into Kashgar’s commercial traditions and social fabric.


For dinner, explore a fusion of Uyghur and Western cuisines at a local restaurant. This culinary combination reflects the diverse influences that have shaped Kashgar’s gastronomy, offering an exciting and varied dining experience.


The evening brings a cultural treat – a traditional Uyghur music and dance performance. These performances, rich in history and expression, showcase the artistic heritage of the region. Engaging in this cultural experience provides a deeper understanding and appreciation of Uyghur arts and traditions.

Day 3: A Glimpse of Rural Life and Nature


Your last day begins with an excursion to Shipton’s Arch (阿图什天门) the world’s tallest natural arch. This remarkable geological formation is a bit of a hike, but the panoramic views at the top are absolutely worth it.

The Shipton's Arch
The Shipton’s Arch

The journey itself is an adventure, offering a chance to connect with the natural beauty and rugged landscapes that surround Kashgar.


Enjoy a picnic-style lunch, featuring local fruits and breads, amidst the scenic backdrop. This simple yet delightful meal allows you to savor the tastes of the region while immersed in its serene natural environment, creating a peaceful and memorable dining experience.


In the afternoon, visit a local Yurt village to experience the traditional Kyrgyz lifestyle. This immersive experience provides a glimpse into the rural way of life in Xinjiang.

Interact with the villagers, learn about their customs and daily activities, and witness the harmony of their lives with nature. This visit offers a unique perspective on the cultural diversity and simplicity of life outside Kashgar’s urban center.


Dine at a family-run restaurant, where you’ll enjoy authentic Uyghur cuisine in a more intimate setting. This dinner not only tantalizes your taste buds but also provides an opportunity to connect with local families, offering insights into their culinary traditions and warm hospitality.


End your tour with a leisurely walk around Kashgar’s modern districts. This contrast to the historical and rural parts of your journey showcases the city’s contemporary developments. Observe the fusion of old and new, understanding Kashgar’s role as a bridge between traditional culture and modernization.


This Best Kashgar Tour Itinerary offers a deep dive into the city’s rich tapestry of culture, history, and cuisine. As you reflect on your journey, remember the importance of respecting local customs and traditions.

Kashgar’s unique position at the crossroads of ancient trade routes has cultivated a blend of cultures and traditions, offering travelers a truly unique experience. Carry these memories and respect with you, ensuring a rewarding and enriching visit to this remarkable city.


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