今日英语单词: beltway

儒琴今日英语单词选自日常用语,欧美报刊文章, 以及英语原文小说。每天坚持学习今日英语单词,有助于阅读和理解当今欧美主流媒体的新闻时事报道和英语文学作品;增强日常英语交流能力。

儒琴今日英语单词 Word of the Day

noun, often attributive

A. a highway skirting an urban area
指环绕城市的公路,尤其环绕华盛顿D.C.公路 – The Capital Beltway : 是一条环绕华盛顿的环形道路(整条道路被正式称为495号州际公路 )。

B. capitalized : the political and social world of Washington, D.C.,
第一个字母大写,政治俚语,主要指华盛顿的政治利益和政治生态(政客, 政治说客 和政府分包商等)

Beltway — AKA, “Inside the Beltway”. It refers to anything on the inside of Interstate 495 that circles Washington D.C. and anything of interest to those working and living in that area; namely politicians, lobbyists, and federal contractors.

It was first thought to be used in the New York Times in 1975. And no, it’s not what holds up the pants of a bulbous congressman. (by Daniel Ganninger / medium.com)

The lobbyists, consultants and pundits inside the Beltway are obsessed with recent data that show Mr. Trump losing to several Democratic challengers. But surveys taken more than a year before Election Day are meaningless. More important, Mr. Trump benefits from incumbency and continued economic recovery, and he’s riding a wave of national populism that has yet to crest.

Apr 18, 2018 – It is mostly waving a wish into reality by Mr. Trump’s Beltway-centric supporters. (wsj.com) April 18, 2018 6:44

The answer is simple: The national media establishment, like many of Trump’s Beltway critics, are seeking a way to disqualify him from holding national office.


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