英语词组:live out of suitcases


儒琴英语词组(English Phrase of the Day)

live out of suitcases

英文解释:live or stay somewhere on a temporary basis and with only a limited selection of one’s belongings;to stay briefly or temporarily without every fully unpacking your luggage
中文解释:暂时居住或停留在某个地方,只带有限的随身物品;提着行李箱过日子, 在外奔波;
“It has been more than two months since Kamala Harris was sworn in as vice president of the United States, a historic moment for the country, as Harris is the first woman and the first woman of color to hold the second highest office in the land,” CNN reports.

“Yet, Harris — along with her husband, Georgetown Law professor Douglas Emhoff — is still, ostensibly, living out of suitcases, unable to move into the private residence reserved for the vice president because it’s still undergoing renovations.” March 27, 2021


“然而,哈里斯和她的丈夫,乔治城大学的法学教授道格拉斯·埃姆霍夫,表面上仍然暂时居住在某个地方,只带有限的随身物品,无法搬进为副总统保留的私人住宅,因为它仍在翻新中。” 2021年3月27日


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