今日英语词汇: loggerheads, let slide, be on ice, overshoot, hat in hand, Sun Belt, nucleic acid tests


儒琴英语词汇(English Words and Phrases of the Day)

noun [ plural ]/ˈlɑː.ɡɚ.hedz/
be at loggerheads (with sb)
to strongly disagree (with someone)

In addition to an intensifying strategic rivalry, the world’s top two economies have been at loggerheads in recent months over the handling of the coronavirus pandemic and China’s move to impose new security legislation on Hong Kong.

let something/someone slide
to not do anything about something or someone when you should try to change or correct that thing or person
当你应该试图改变或纠正某事或某人时,却不做任何事; 对某事采取放任的态度,听其自然

Police officer first to arrive at the Atlanta Wendy’s where intoxicated Rayshard Brooks was found came close to letting the incident slide, bodycam footage shows. (Daily Mail)

be on ice
If a plan is on ice, a decision has been made to delay it for a period of time.
搁置,暂缓 (Cambridge)

Kim Yo-jong, the sister of Kim Jong-un, has been taking a central role in the rhetorical offensive from Pyongyang. What to watch: Nuclear talks are likely to remain on ice this year, with an election approaching in the U.S.

verb [ T ]/ˌoʊ.vɚˈʃuːt/
to go further than the end of or past something, without intending to

Brosnan watched as Brooks then overshot the parking space into which he pulled. The officer got back into his patrol car and asked himself, ‘Do I want to deal with this dude right now?’ After one minute he walked over to Brook’s car, looked in the window and saw that he was asleep once more. (Daily Mail)

hat in hand
in an attitude of respectful humility;humbly asking for a favor;n a meek or submissive manner. (The removal of one’s hat is typically a gesture of respect.)
毕恭毕敬; 十分恭敬地; 乞讨

I hope he comes hat in hand. I hope he makes an apology for the things he said about Donald Trump. He was wrong. He was hurtful, he hurt the party, he hurt Donald Trump, Donald Trump still won. He owes Donald Trump an apology and he owes him his support. (therandyreport)

Sun Belt
The Sun Belt comprises the southern tier of the United States, including the states of Alabama, ArizonaFlorida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, South Carolina, Texas, roughly two-thirds of California (up to Greater Sacramento), and parts of North Carolina, Nevada, and Utah.

Coronavirus Infections Spiking In Sun Belt States. Arizona, Florida, Oklahoma, and Texas reported record numbers of new coronavirus cases on Tuesday, the New York Times reports. Meanwhile, ABC News reports Vice President Mike Pence “attempted to paint a rosy picture of the pandemic in Oklahoma that contradicted data released by state and local public health departments there.”

nucleic acid tests 核酸检测
/nuːˌkleɪ.ɪk ˈæs.ɪd/

COVID-19, the latest outbreak of infectious disease, has caused huge medical challenges to China and the entire globe. No unified diagnostic standard has been formulated. The initial diagnosis remains based on the positive of nucleic acid tests.


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