今日英语词汇: out of kilter, take a stab at sth, strings attached, breathe (new) life into sth, hang in the balance, take it to the bank, drive a wedge between (with) sb, coast


儒琴英语词汇(English Words and Phrases of the Day)

out of kilter
used to describe something that is not in the exactly right position or condition or is not working in the usual or proper way

The government’s private admissions are out of kilter with public statements last week by ministers, who said Huawei had been banned because of new security concerns raised by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), which is part of GCHQ. (The Guardian)

take a stab at sth
to attempt to do something although you are not likely to be very successful

EU leaders ended a second day of heated discussions late Saturday without a deal under their belt on a shared economic stimulus package to recoup the damage caused by the coronavirus pandemic, but agreed to take another stab after a night’s sleep. (DPA)

strings attached
If something such as an agreement has strings attached, it involves special demands or limits.
Most of these so-called special offers come with strings attached. (Cambridge)

BRUSSELS (Reuters) – A European Union plan to breathe life into economies throttled by the coronavirus pandemic hung in the balance on Sunday as leaders quarrelled over the level of spending and what strings to attach to it.

breathe (new) life into sth
to bring new ideas and energy to something
We need some new people to breathe life into this project. 我们需要一些新人来给这个项目注入活力。(Cambridge)

Prime minister Shinzo Abe is seeking to breathe life into his flagging bromance with Donald Trump at a summit next month after Japan became the closest American ally not to win an exemption from new US steel and aluminium tariffs. (FT)

hang in the balance
To be perilously close to failing, depending on the outcome of something
未见分晓, 悬而未决; 未见分晓; 安危未定

Hope for President Trump’s second term hangs in the balance. Forecasting presidential elections is a risky business, but political prognosticator Charlie Cook says, “you can take this prediction to the bank”.

Take it to the bank
Something or an event will most definitely, securely, without a doubt, guaranteed will happen; Said to emphasize that something is known for sure; can believe a particular statement or piece of information because it is definitely true (at least according to the speaker).
这个动词的宾语通常放在take和to the bank之间。

Trump says US will leave Syria ‘very soon’ despite promises …The first is that you shouldn’t take it to the bank. Trump has a tendency to spitball about very serious matters such as this.

The one thing we can all Take to the bank: Trump will always and only make decisions he believes serves his interests.

drive a wedge between (with) sb
to damage the good relationship that two people or groups of people have

China’s embassy in Myanmar on Sunday accused the United States of “outrageously smearing” the country and driving a wedge with its Southeast Asian neighbors over the contested South China Sea and Hong Kong, as tensions mount between the superpowers. (Reuters)

to progress or succeed without any effort or difficulty
While I struggled, my sister coasted through school with top grades. 上学时我总觉得很吃力,而我妹妹却一路学得轻轻松松,成绩一直很优异。(Cambridge)


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