英语习语:the wind at one’s back


儒琴今日习语(Idiom of the Day)

the wind at one’s back

to be in a good situation in which you can succeed.; when we say a person has the wind at his back, we mean that external forces are moving in the same direction as that person. It means that person’s job is going to be easier because of these external forces; a boost in one’s prospects for success due to favorable events or circumstances.

the wind at one’s back 字面意思是:某人的背后有风。引申:处于有利地位,一个能让你成功的好环境中。当我们说the wind at one’s back(一个人背后有风)的时候,我们的意思是外部力量朝着和这个人相同的方向移动。这意味着由于这些外部力量,人们的工作将变得更容易; 因有利的事件或环境而使某人提升了成功的希望。

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump took the stage for his State of the Union speech in an unfamiliar position with the wind at his back and the Democrats should worry. For most of his three years in office, Trump has been surrounded by tumult, much of it of his own making, resulting ultimately in his impeachment by the House of Representatives. (nationalpost.com / February 5, 2020  )
华盛顿——唐纳德·特朗普总统在一个不熟悉的位置上发表了他的国情咨文: 处于有利地位。民主党人应该担心。在特朗普执政的三年的大部分时间里,他一直被混乱所包围,其中很大一部分是他自己造成的,最终导致他被众议院弹劾。

His presidency will never get better than this week. He’s got the wind at his back and what he does with it will shape his and our future,” Meacham said, referring to Trump March 22 being cleared of any possible Russian interference and/or collusion between his campaign and the Russians. “If (former FBI) Director (Robert) Mueller had come back with evidence of active collusion between the Trump campaign and a foreign government, I think he would be removed from office one way or another. (mdjonline.com / Mar 27, 2019 )


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