The Best Foods in Shanghai

The Best 10 Foods to Try in Shanghai

Shanghai is known for its diverse culinary scene, offering a variety of delicious dishes that blend traditional Chinese flavors with international influences. Here are 12 of the best foods to try in Shanghai:

1. Xiaolongbao 小笼包

These are steamed soup dumplings filled with flavorful broth and minced meat, typically pork. The delicate skin and burst of flavor make them a must-try dish.

These iconic soup dumplings are a Shanghai specialty. They consist of delicate, thin dough wrapped around minced pork and a flavorful broth. When you bite into the dumpling, the broth bursts in your mouth, creating a delightful taste sensation.

2. Shengjianbao 生煎包

Similar to xiaolongbao, shengjianbao are pan-fried dumplings with a thicker and slightly crispy bottom. They’re often filled with pork and can be quite juicy and flavorful.

3. Da Zha Xie 大闸蟹

This dish features hairy crab, a seasonal delicacy in Shanghai. The crab is usually steamed and enjoyed with ginger and vinegar for dipping. It’s a must-try if you’re visiting Shanghai during crab season.

4. Scallion Oil Noodles (Cong You Ban Mian) 上海葱油拌面

This simple yet flavorful dish features hand-pulled noodles tossed in fragrant scallion oil, soy sauce, and sometimes a bit of meat or vegetables.

5. Lion’s Head Meatballs (Shi Zi Tou) 狮子头

These are large, tender meatballs made from a mixture of pork and other ingredients. They’re often served in a rich, savory sauce with vegetables.

Large pork meatballs are braised until tender in a fragrant broth. They’re often served with cabbage, creating a balance of textures and flavors.

6. Stir-Fried Rice Cake (Chao Nian Gao) 炒年糕

Thin slices of nian gao are stir-fried with various ingredients such as vegetables, meat, and soy sauce. The result is a chewy and flavorful dish.

7. Shanghai-Style Stir-Fried Shrimp 沪菜炒虾仁

This dish features succulent shrimp stir-fried with garlic, ginger, and various seasonings. The shrimp are often served with their shells on for extra flavor.

8. Shanghai-Style Wonton Soup 上海大馄饨

Wontons filled with minced meat are served in a clear and flavorful broth, often with vegetables and sometimes noodles.

9. Shanghai-Style Red Braised Pork 上海红烧肉

This dish features succulent chunks of pork belly braised in a dark, sweet, and savory soy-based sauce. It’s rich and tender, with a deep caramelized flavor.

10. Eight Treasures Rice (Ba Bao Fan) 八宝饭

This dessert features glutinous rice cooked with a variety of sweet ingredients such as red bean paste, preserved fruits, and nuts. It’s often shaped into a round or pyramid-like shape.

These are just a few of the many delicious foods you can try in Shanghai. The city’s culinary scene is incredibly diverse, so be sure to explore local markets, restaurants, and street vendors to discover even more tasty dishes.

If you have any questions or queries, then please feel free to drop us a line.


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