Chinese New Year 2-24

Things to Do in Beijing during Chinese New Year 2024

Beijing, a city steeped in history and modernity, transforms into a vibrant hub of festivity during Chinese New Year (Also known as Spring Festival). For first-time visitors pondering over “How to spend Spring Festival in Beijing,” this guide is a treasure trove of activities that encapsulate the essence of Chinese New Year 2024 in Beijing.

With a multitude of cultural experiences ranging from temple fairs to modern entertainment, the capital city is an exhilarating place to celebrate the year of the dragon. This guide will navigate you through the myriad of ways to immerse in the local culture and festivities, ensuring your experience is as enriching as it is memorable.

Activities for Chinese Lunar New Year’s Eve in Beijing

February 9 marks the Chinese New Year’s Eve for 2024, a night of anticipation and joy. Here’s how you can indulge in the local traditions:

Activities for Chinese Lunar New Year’s Eve in Beijing
Making and Eating Dumplings
  1. Making Dumplings: Engage in the delightful tradition of making dumplings, symbolizing prosperity and family unity. Most of the hotels will hold such activities as asking its clients to make dumplings.
  2. Relax in a Cozy Bar: Find a comfortable bar to unwind and soak in the festive atmosphere.
  3. Experience Local Family Traditions: Spend the evening with a local family to witness firsthand their customs and celebrations.
  4. Watch the TV Gala: A staple of New Year’s Eve, this televised event is filled with performances reflecting Chinese culture. Basically, the CCTV1 Gala starts at 8:00pm.
  5. Fireworks and Firecrackers: Purchase these at designated outlets, and at midnight, join the locals in a spectacular display of fireworks.

Temple Fairs for Chinese New Year in Beijing 2024

Beijing hosts a plethora of cultural activities during the Spring Festival. Here are some temple fairs you can’t miss:

Ditan Park Temple Fair 地坛庙会

The “Golden Dragon Teng Sea, Jade Phoenix Chengxiang” at Ditan Park is an exquisite blend of ancient customs and contemporary entertainment.

Ditan Park Temple Fair

Here, you’ll witness dragon dances, folk music, and handicraft stalls, all set in the historical ambiance of the park. It’s a perfect place to see traditional performances while enjoying the winter beauty of Beijing.

Location: Ditan Park
Time: February 11 -16

Changdian Temple Fair 厂甸庙会

Situated in West Liulichang, the Changdian Temple Fair offers a deep immersion into Beijing’s local culture.

Stroll through lanes of art vendors, taste authentic Beijing snacks, and enjoy various folk performances. It’s a wonderful opportunity to experience the living heritage of the city and buy unique souvenirs.

Location: West Liulichang, East of Xicheng District
Time: February 10 -14

Grand View Garden Temple Fair 大观园庙会

Celebrating its 25th year, the Honglou Temple Fair in the Grand View Garden is a historical spectacle.

The fair reenacts scenes from classic Chinese literature and showcases traditional arts, making it a cultural feast for literature and history enthusiasts.

Venue: Beijing Grand View Garden, Xicheng District
Time: February 10 -14

Great Wall Celebrations at Gubei Water Town 古北水镇过大年

The celebrations at Gubei Water Town, near the Great Wall, offer a unique blend of historical grandeur and local festivities.

The backdrop of the Simatai Great Wall adds a majestic touch to the lunar new year celebrations, making it a must-visit for those seeking a blend of natural beauty and cultural festivity.

Location: Gubei Water Town, Miyun District
Time: February 10 -14

Shijingshan Amusement Park Temple Fair 石景山游乐园庙会

This fair combines thrilling amusement park rides with traditional Chinese New Year celebrations.

It’s an ideal destination for families, offering a mix of fun and culture. Enjoy festive decorations, traditional performances, and modern rides, all in one location.

Location: Shijingshan Amusement Park
Time: February 10 -17

Longtan Park Temple Fair 龙潭公园庙会

Known for its vibrant atmosphere, Longtan Park becomes a hub of energy and color during the festival.

With dragon dances, martial arts demonstrations, and a variety of food stalls, the park offers a lively experience of Beijing’s New Year culture.

Location: Longtan Park
Time: February 10 -16

Badachu Park Temple Fair 八大处公园庙会

Set in the peaceful environment of Badachu, this temple fair offers a tranquil yet festive experience.

Here, you can participate in spiritual ceremonies, enjoy traditional music performances, and explore the beauty of the ancient temples, providing a serene escape from the bustling city.

Location: Badachu, Shijingshan District
Time: February 10 -17

Garden Parties and Outdoor Celebrations for Spring Festival 2024

The Spring Festival garden parties in Beijing are a blend of nature, culture, and celebration:

Grand Canal Garden Party .大运河新春游园会

The Grand Canal Spring Festival Garden Party is a celebration of history and art. Wander through exhibitions that showcase the Grand Canal’s storied past and its impact on Chinese culture.

Grand Canal Garden Party 大运河新春游园会
Grand Canal Garden Party 大运河新春游园会

This event is a feast for the senses, offering a blend of art displays, cultural exhibitions, and performances that pay homage to one of China’s most significant historical landmarks.

Location: Tongzhou District Grand Canal Cultural tourism scenic area North
Time: February 2-24

Qinglonghu Park Garden Party 青龙湖公园新春游园会

The Qinglonghu Park Spring Festival Party is a delightful fusion of natural splendor and cultural festivities. As you glide over the tranquil waters on a boat ride, you can enjoy captivating traditional performances.

The park, adorned in festive decorations, also offers a taste of local cuisine, making it an ideal spot for families and nature lovers seeking a picturesque lakeside celebration.

Location: Qinglong Lake Park, Fengtai District
Time: February 10 -24

Phoenix Mountain Garden Party 凤凰岭游园会

At the Phoenix Mountain Spring Festival Garden Party, you’re enveloped in the serene beauty of nature. This event combines the tranquility of the scenic area with a rich tapestry of cultural activities.

Traditional performances set against the backdrop of Phoenix Mountain provide a peaceful yet festive retreat, ideal for those seeking a blend of nature and culture.

Location: Haidian District Beijing Phoenix Mountain Scenic spot
Time: February 10 -1

Hongluo Temple Party 红螺寺新春祈福游园会

The Red Snail Temple New Year Blessing Garden Party offers a unique spiritual experience. Set against the backdrop of ancient temple architecture, this event blends spiritual rituals with cultural performances. I

t’s a place to find inner peace, enjoy traditional music, and immerse in the tranquility of this historic temple.

Location: Hongluo Temple, Huairou District
Time: February 10 -17

Yuanmingyuan Park Celebration 圆明园里过大年

The Yuanmingyuan Park Spring Festival Celebration beautifully marries historical exploration with festive cheer. Set among the ruins of the old Summer Palace, this event offers a journey through time.

Visitors can explore the historical significance of Yuanmingyuan while enjoying New Year festivities, making it a unique blend of past and present celebrations.

Location: Yuanmingyuan Ruins Park
Time: February 10 -24

Chinese New Year Flower Viewing and Climbing Activities

These activities provide a unique way to experience the natural beauty and culture of Beijing:

Plum Blossom Exhibition at Summer Palace 颐和园梅花

The Summer Palace‘s Plum Blossom Exhibition is a celebration of nature’s resilience, embodied by the plum blossoms that bloom even in the cold. As you wander through the ancient pathways, you’re enveloped in the delicate fragrance of these blossoms, creating a peaceful and hopeful atmosphere.

Plum Blossom Exhibition at Summer Palace
Plum Blossom Exhibition at Summer Palace

This exhibition not only showcases the beauty of nature but also reflects the endurance and resilience symbolized by these winter flowers, making it a must-visit for those seeking tranquility and inspiration.

Location: Summer Palace
Time: February 5 -19

Zhongshan Park Flower Exhibition 中山公园传统花卉展

The Flower Exhibition at Zhongshan Park is a spectacle of traditional Chinese botanical art. It presents a kaleidoscope of colors and scents, featuring meticulously arranged floral displays. Each arrangement tells a story, reflecting the richness of Chinese horticultural traditions.

This exhibition is not just a visual treat but also an olfactory delight, offering a unique experience to understand and appreciate the subtleties of Chinese floral art.

Location: Zhongshan Park
Activity time: February 5 – Early March

Cherry Blossoms at Yuyuantan Park 玉渊潭公园樱花

Yuyuantan Park’s transformation during the cherry blossom season is nothing short of magical. The park becomes a canvas of pink and white, with cherry blossoms creating a dreamlike atmosphere.

This setting is perfect for romantic strolls and picturesque photography. The blooming cherry blossoms symbolize renewal and the fleeting nature of beauty, making this a poignant and memorable experience for all visitors.

Location: Yuyuantan Park
Time: February 10 -24

Xiangshan Park 香山登高祈福

Xiangshan Park, also known as Fragrant Hills Park, is a haven for nature lovers. Its serene environment is ideal for hiking, offering trails that wind through lush landscapes and past historical sites.

The park’s natural beauty is accentuated by its tranquil atmosphere, making it a perfect escape from the city’s hustle. Visitors can immerse themselves in the scenic beauty and enjoy the peacefulness that pervades this natural oasis.

Location: Xiangshan Park
Time: February 2-7

Jingshan Park Activities 景山2024年春节、元宵节文化活动

Jingshan Park, with its commanding views of the Forbidden City and Beijing, offers a unique blend of cultural and natural experiences. The park’s historical significance is complemented by its range of cultural activities.

Visitors can enjoy traditional performances, participate in cultural workshops, and take in the panoramic views of the city. The park’s elevation not only provides a strategic viewpoint but also symbolizes its historical importance as a place of refuge and contemplation for emperors.

Location: Jingshan Park
Time: February 2-25

Celebrating Chinese New Year in Beijing is a journey through a tapestry of cultural richness and festive joy. From the vibrant temple fairs, serene garden parties, to the mesmerizing flower exhibitions and historic park events, each activity is a doorway to the heart of Chinese culture.

Whether you are here to soak in the traditional vibes or to experience the modern festivities, Beijing during the Spring Festival is a destination that promises a tapestry of unforgettable experiences. Embrace the local traditions, immerse yourself in the spirit of the year of the dragon, and most importantly, cherish every moment of your journey in this magical city.


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