JInshanling Great Wall sunset

Hike from Gubeikou Great Wall to Jinshanling Great Wall

Embarking on a journey from the Gubeikou Great Wall to the Jinshanling Great Wall is more than just a hike; it’s a voyage through history, nature, and human endurance.

As avid explorers of China’s majestic landscapes, we found ourselves drawn to this trail, renowned not only for its physical challenges but also for its cultural significance. This travelogue documents our first-time experience of this hike, a trek that promised to unveil the rugged beauty and historical grandeur of two of the most iconic sections of the Great Wall of China.

Journey to Gubeikou

Beijing - Gubeikou Great Wall Map

Our adventure began with an early morning departure from the bustling streets of downtown Beijing. Accompanied by our driver, Mr. Liu, we embarked on a serene drive towards Gubeikou. The route took us along the Jingcheng Expressway, a path that quickly transitioned from the urban landscape to the idyllic countryside, marking our escape from the city’s clutches into a realm of tranquility.

Exiting the expressway at Simatai Great Wall Exit, a mere 100 meters from the toll gate, we turned left at the first traffic light, signaling our approach to Gubeikou.

The signage at the junction offered a clear choice: right towards Simatai Great Wall, and straight ahead along G101 for Gubeikou. Opting for the latter, we found ourselves on a picturesque 10km drive through quaint villages, each a small capsule of rural life, leading us to the historical Gubeikou County. This 135km journey from Beijing, taking approximately two hours, was a gradual introduction to the raw beauty and peaceful ambiance that would define our hike.

Discovering Gubeikou

Upon arriving at the foot of Gubeikou Great Wall, nestled within the charming Gubeikou Village, we were greeted by a landscape that whispered tales of ancient times. We met Mr. Wang Jian, the deputy director of Gubeikou Scenic and Cultural Heritage Tourism. Through his narratives, we delved into the storied past of this historic site.

Gubeikou, as Mr. Wang explained, has been a significant military stronghold for over a millennium. Originally, it comprised four sections of the Great Wall – Simatai, Jinshanling, Panlongshan, and Wohushan – stretching over 20 kilometers with more than 143 watch and beacon towers. These names, he mentioned, were more recent, coined about 20 years ago to distinguish the different sections for tourism and administrative purposes.

'Gubeikou Great Wall ( Panlongshan "Coiled Dragon Mountain")
‘Gubeikou Great Wall ( Panlongshan “Coiled Dragon Mountain”)

Today’s Gubeikou encompasses two main parts – the Panlongshan and Wohushan Great Walls. Panlongshan, translating to ‘Coiled Dragon Mountain’, and Wohushan, meaning ‘Crouching Tiger Mountain’, face each other, framing a valley that once served as a strategic passage between Inner Mongolia and Beijing. This valley now cradles the rapidly developing Gubeikou Township.

The entrance to Panlongshan Great Wall, popularly known as ‘Gubeikou Great Wall‘, lies within Gubeikou Village – one of the most picturesque villages around Beijing. We learned that there are two paths to commence our hike: one official and the other, a more challenging and less trodden path, which we chose, seeking the thrill of exploration.

The Start of the Hike

The beginning of our hike at Gubeikou set the tone for what was to be an unforgettable experience. We chose the less official path, a decision that promised a more authentic and raw encounter with the Great Wall. The entrance fee was a modest 25 RMB each, a small price for the impending adventure. Interestingly, our tickets remained unchecked throughout the hike, a testament to the path’s off-the-beaten nature.

As we ascended the initial steps, the Great Wall of Gubeikou unveiled itself in all its rustic glory. The path ahead was a blend of rugged terrain and historical prowess. We soon learned that the Great Wall here comprised two parallel sections: one from the Northern Qi Dynasty, made largely of mud, and the other from the Ming Dynasty, constructed with stone. This duality offered a unique perspective on the Wall’s evolution over centuries.

Standing atop a mound, we were treated to a panoramic view that took our breath away. To the west lay the untamed Wohushan Great Wall, a wild contrast to the more structured path we were on. Below us, the Gubeikou Village looked serene, nestled in the embrace of these ancient fortifications. The juxtaposition of the Ming and Qi dynasty walls, running side by side, was a visible dialogue between different epochs of history.

The decision to leave the Northern Qi Dynasty wall and venture towards the Ming Dynasty section was marked by a signboard with a painted blue arrow, directing us towards a new phase of our journey.

Challenges and Surprises on the Trail

The trail from Gubeikou to Jinshanling is as challenging as it is captivating. As we progressed, the terrain transformed, offering us a kaleidoscope of natural and historical wonders. The path was a mix of steep ascents, uneven steps, and narrow passages, demanding both physical and mental resilience. Yet, every strenuous step was rewarded with breathtaking vistas and a sense of profound connection with history.

Hiking on the Gubeikou Great Wall

One of the most enchanting aspects of our hike was the interaction with the local flora. The trail was adorned with wild jujube and hawthorn trees, their branches heavy with ripe fruits. Pausing to taste these natural treats, we found a delightful contrast to the otherwise strenuous hike. These moments of simple joy added a layer of sensory experience to our journey.

Our encounter with the local inhabitants added depth to our adventure. We met farmers tending to their fields, offering us glimpses into their lives that were as rooted in these lands as the Wall itself. Their stories and insights painted a vivid picture of the area’s cultural tapestry. One such individual was Mr. Zhou, a shepherd, who not only shared his knowledge of the terrain but also offered guidance for the latter part of our hike. His presence was a reassuring reminder of the enduring human spirit that pervades this historic landscape.

Navigating the trail required not just physical effort but also an intuitive understanding of the land. There were sections where the path was enveloped in dense vegetation, making it easy to lose one’s way. These segments of the hike were both a challenge and a thrill, pushing us to our limits while offering an authentic experience of wilderness.

Journey Through the Valleys

The trek from Gubeikou to Jinshanling is characterized by its traversal through deep, verdant valleys that carve their way between the imposing ridges of the Great Wall. These valleys, with their unique ecosystem and serene beauty, offered a stark contrast to the imposing grandeur of the Wall itself. Our journey through these valleys was a testament to the diverse landscapes that this hike encompasses.

Navigating through the valleys was an exercise in endurance and agility. The paths were often narrow, winding, and uneven, with the lush foliage sometimes obscuring the trail. The dense underbrush hid a variety of sounds and movements of the local wildlife, reminding us of the vibrant ecosystem that thrives beneath the shadow of the Wall.

One of the most memorable aspects of our valley trek was the encounter with a cornfield, where we observed local farmers engaged in their daily routines. The sight of them meticulously collecting ripe corns was a humbling reminder of the simplicity and perseverance that defines rural life here. These fields, basking in the shadow of the Great Wall, seemed to be a bridge between the ancient past and the present, embodying the continuity of life in these parts.

The trail also presented us with unforeseen challenges. There were stretches where the path became muddy and slippery, demanding careful navigation. However, these difficulties were part of what made the hike genuinely immersive and rewarding.

Our interaction with the local farmer, Mr. Zhou, was particularly enlightening. As a shepherd and a guide, he embodied the spirit of the local community – resilient, hospitable, and deeply connected to the land. His willingness to assist us, offering his mobile number for future guidance, was a heartwarming example of the local hospitality.

Reaching Jinshanling

The final leg of our hike towards Jinshanling was a mixture of anticipation and physical exertion. As we moved closer to our destination, the landscape began to change, gradually revealing the distinct features of the Jinshanling section of the Great Wall. This part of the journey was a test of our endurance, as the trail became increasingly steep and rugged.

The sight of Jinshanling in the distance acted as a beacon, urging us on through the last challenging stretch. Each step brought into view the remarkable preservation and distinct architectural features of this section of the Wall. Jinshanling, with its relatively intact watchtowers and crenellated parapets, stood as a proud testament to the Ming Dynasty’s architectural prowess.

As we climbed the final ridge, a sense of accomplishment washed over us. We had traversed a path steeped in history, beauty, and natural challenges, connecting two of the most iconic sections of the Great Wall. The view from Jinshanling was awe-inspiring, offering a panoramic vista of the Wall snaking through the rolling hills and distant mountains. It was a moment of reflection and awe, a culmination of the journey’s physical and emotional journey.

Experiencing Jinshanling

The arrival at Jinshanling marked a new chapter in our Jinshanling Great Wall adventure. This section, renowned for its stunning architectural integrity and scenic beauty, offered a different experience from the rugged and wild trails of Gubeikou. Jinshanling, a harmonious blend of natural splendor and historical grandeur, was a photographer’s and historian’s dream.

Jinshanling Great Wall under the sunset glow.

As we explored Jinshanling Great Wall, the sun began its descent, casting a golden hue over the stone battlements and watchtowers. The Wall here is interspersed with a series of towers, each with its unique design and character. These towers, which once served as strongholds and lookout points, now provided us with breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.

The anticipation of the sunset added an exciting dimension to our exploration. We were mindful of the time, wanting to find the perfect spot to witness and capture the day’s end. The Wall’s undulating path, climbing steeply in parts, added a sense of urgency to our steps. The challenge was to balance our desire to explore thoroughly with the need to be in the right place at the right time for the sunset.

As we moved along the Wall, we encountered other travelers and photographers, all drawn by the allure of a Jinshanling sunset. The camaraderie among us, united by a common goal, added warmth to the experience. We shared tips, viewpoints, and even joked about the race against time, making the final part of our hike both communal and spirited.

The atmosphere was electric with excitement and awe. Everyone present was keen to capture the perfect shot, but even more so, to simply soak in the beauty of the moment. The sky turned a palette of vibrant colors – oranges, pinks, and purples – painting the Wall and the surrounding hills in surreal hues. This spectacle of light and color was a fitting reward for the day’s journey.


The hike from Gubeikou Great Wall to Jinshanling Great Wall is more than just a physical journey; it’s a passage through time, history, and natural splendor. As we concluded our trek, standing atop the ancient ramparts of Jinshanling, watching the day give way to night, we were filled with a profound sense of accomplishment and awe.

This hike is not merely a tourist activity; it’s an immersive experience into China’s rich past, a testament to human ingenuity and perseverance. The changing landscapes, the encounters with local life, and the breathtaking views create a tapestry of memories that are as enduring as the Wall itself.

For those who seek to understand China, not just through its cities but through its heartlands, this hike is a must. It challenges you physically, enriches you culturally, and leaves you with a deep respect for the enduring spirit that built and preserved this wonder of the world.

We embarked on this hike as travelers keen on exploring a famous landmark. We completed it with a newfound appreciation for the land, its people, and their history. The Great Wall, a symbol of strength and resilience, now holds a special place in our hearts, a reminder of an unforgettable journey through China’s majestic landscapes.

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